A life-long member of the Berlin-Gorham community, I joined Coulombe Real Estate in 1997 after a long career in the logging industry. Being raised, living and working here all my life, I know a lot of the area's history, including many of the homes I show. This background gives me a unique view of the land and area of Northern NH, and a good feel for what it takes to successfully run a business here in the North Country. I was involved with bringing Badger North up to Berlin in 2015 and since then I have been proudly working here. In over 2 decades in the real estate industry, I have sold residential and multi-family properties, as well as land and commercial real estate. I have always enjoyed selling real estate, from a young family just starting out through a retired couple looking to down-size.
I work to meet the needs of all my clients through the ever-changing process of buying and selling. Raising 2 sons here, I enjoyed coaching youth hockey and baseball when they were younger. I now enjoy spending time with my wife, our two beautiful grandsons and our awesome chocolate lab. I am a family man first and foremost but also an outdoor enthusiast. Oftentimes you can find me up to camp; in the winter I enjoy cross country skiing and snowmobiling, while in the spring I will be hiking, fishing, and 4-wheeling, enjoying all this beautiful area has to offer!